I've been trying to get this project up for days & days. I finally got all the diagrams drawn and have a few free minutes, so now it's time to post! Whew!!!
This mini magazine holder is made from a used tissue box (mine are the Kirkland brand that I buy at Costco). They're pretty easy to make . . . just require a few measurements before you get started. Hopefully, the TON-O-DIAGRAMS will be helpful to you in constructing your own little mini magazine holder. It's a lot easier than it may appear, and once you've made one, you'll be making tons of 'em to hold all your hand-made-cards and cards-in-progress.
One empty tissue box (about 5" tall x 4 1/4" wide by 4 3/8" deep)
Corresponding color of card stock: 4 3/4" x 8 1/4" (2 pieces); 6 1/4" x 6 1/4"
Sticky Strip
1. Remove the clear plastic stuff inside the top of the box; remove all plastic packaging from outside of box.
2. Cut the top of the box diagonally from the opening to one outside corner; repeat for the other three corners (Figure 1).
3. Two sides of the box have seams (Figure 2); one of these is the front of the box; the other is the back. For the back, fold the flap created in Step 2 down into the box and secure with Sticky Strip. For the front, remove and discard the top flap.
4. Remove the two side flaps on top of the box; fold front flap down, but do not remove (Figure 3).

5. Next, score and fold the front bottom flap in half toward the inside (Figure 4). Fold the folded flap back up toward the box and use as a guide to mark the two side pieces for the bottom tabs (Figure 5).
6. Using the marked lines as a reference, create one tab on each side of front by cutting at a slight downward angle (Figure 6). Continue cutting along the corner fold to the top of the box; remove the top portion of the flap, leaving the tabs at the bottom of the box.

7. Fold bottom front folded flap up and over the two side tabs and secure on the inside with Sticky Strip (Figure 7).
8. Turn box sideways and mark a diagonal score line from the top of the flap in the front to the top of box in back (Figure 8). Fold this flap to inside of box and secure with Sticky Strip. At this point, the box should look like Figure 9.

You could stop here, but if you want to make your box look a little more finished by adding an inside liner, continue on to Step 9. In addition to making your box prettier, adding a liner also will add support to the box so it will last longer.
9. To make the bottom inside lining, cut a piece of card stock 6 1/4" x 6 1/4". Score 1" from edge on all four sides. Using the score lines as a guide, cut and remove a 1" square from each corner (Figure 10). Fold up on all score lines and adhere to bottom of box with Sticky Strip (Figure 11).

10. Cut two pieces of cardstock 4 3/4" x 8 1/4"; score and fold at 4 1/8" (Figure 12). Place one piece of cardstock inside of box with the fold in the back corner, and draw a line along diagonal line on side (Figure 13). Cut about 1/4" below line and adhere to inside of box with Sticky Strip. Repeat with the other piece of cardstock on the opposite side.

Whew! Your box is now complete! I hope these instructions weren't totally confusing . . . if so, you're certainly welcome to contact me with questions.
Until next time . . . keep on craftin'!
Cath ;D
Cool beans, Cathy!!! Thanks for sharing this :o)