If you're not familiar with a shoe box swap, here's how it works -- each of the participants brings one finished card plus all the materials for each of the other participants to make that card. Then we move around the room and make each other's cards. In this case we had six participants, so we each made two cards. We made one set before lunch, and the other following a wonderful lunch on the front porch where we enjoyed a beautiful view on a beautiful day! Ann says this is her favorite place in the world -- and I can totally understand why!
Here are the cards we made. If you have questions about any of them, send me a message and I should be able to help you. (P.S. Don't be surprised if you see something similar to these cards at my upcoming workshops.)
Ann Lohmeyer's cards:

Jayne Fuller's cards:

Juli Whitfield's cards:

Julie Blanchet's cards:

Linda Anderson's cards:

My cards:

Hope you enjoyed looking at these as much as I enjoyed making them.
Cath ;D
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