
Thursday, January 4, 2024

January 2024 Class and Stamp Schedule Now Available

Happy New Year To Me!?

Well heck!  Winter vacay is over and it's back to work for me starting tomorrow (Friday, January 5).  My January schedule is now available on my Upcoming Events page (Cathy's Craft Room: Upcoming Events (, along with flyers and/or contact information for each of the events.

After having almost three weeks off and having the opportunity to play with my almost-a-teenage grandson for a good portion of that time, it's rough for me to throw off my lazy days and get back to work.  Usually I'm up between 5 and 6 a.m., and I've actually been sleeping in until 7 a.m.!!!  (GASP!)

My word for 2024 (again) is FOCUS!!!  I have lots to do and ever-decreasing time to do it, but if I actually focus every day on what needs to be done, I know I can do it!

Most of all, I hope to have lots of fun with many of you in my craft room, in my classes, and in my stamp camps!

HAPPY 2024 TO YOU!!!

Cathy  ;D

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