
Monday, June 7, 2021

Announcing Zoom with Cathy Card Making June 17, 2021

Hi, stampers!  As I've mentioned previously, my Women's Connections card making classes have ended until the fall, so I'm now in CLEAN UP MY HOUSE mode . . . kind of.  I'm still planning to do monthly Stamp Camp and Card Kits To Go, and for June, July and August, I'm also planning to offer a Zoom with Cathy Card Making Class.

This month's class will be held on Thursday, June 17, beginning at 9:30 a.m.  Reservations are requested by Wednesday, June 9, to allow time for assembling and mailing kits for those who cannot pick them up.  Visit my Upcoming Events page (see link above) to view a flyer with all the details.  (NOTE:  For my card making friends who are still working and cannot make a weekday class, I'll happily repeat the class on Saturday, June 19, upon request.) 

These are the cards we'll be making this month.

Click on image for closer look.

The "proper gentleman" card on the right is from my friend Kathy Howes, and can be used for birthday, Fathers Day, or for any other "special guy" occasion.  The other two cards were tweaked a bit from other people's designs, but I honestly don't remember who designed them.  If any of my friends are viewing this, please let me know so I can give you proper credit.

I look forward to seeing you online for my class!

Cathy  ;D

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