
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Stampin' Up! Site Back Up!!! YAY!!!!

After some initial glitches with the Stampin' Up! website this morning, things appear to be back up and running.  You can now view the new 2017 Occasions Mini Catalog and order online (click on the link to the right).

And . . . drum roll . . . the big event of the year has started!!!!  For every $50 order (perhaps some new stuff from the Occasions Mini Catalog?), you get to select a free item from the Sale-a-Bration brochure (view the brochure by clicking on the image to the right)!!!  How fun is that?!

Sale-a-Bration started today and ends March 31, 2017.  The Occasions Mini Catalog runs through May 31, 2017.

Click to Expand

Please contact me with questions.

Cathy  :D

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