
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Masculine Card Ideas (August 2014 FRS Meeting)

Catching up on some photos that I haven't previously posted . . . these are the cards I received at my August 2014 Front Range Stampers meeting.  The theme was "Masculine," but there are a few other ideas in here as well.  Some are swaps; some are make and takes.  Some good ideas in here.  Enjoy!.   (Click on any of the images for a closer look.)

Angie Zaba Swap

Ann Lohmeyer Swap

Carolyn Mahoney Swap (closed)

Carolyn Mahoney Swap (open)

Cathe Valdez Swap

Cathy Hansen Swap

Jayne Fuller Swap

Joyce Coffee Swap

Kay Weaver Swap

Suzanne Mousel Swap

Joyce Munro Make and Take

Barbara Anderson Make and Take

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