
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Fans Are In!!!!

And they work!

They look just like they did online and in the store. B-E-A-U-TIFUL!

The latest on the crafts room is that it's almost finished! I think the floor will be installed tomorrow, and by the end of the week I should be shopping Ikea for shelves! How exciting is that?!

I'm really looking forward to my open house on September 10 . . . and I hope you are too. This will be the unveiling of our new digs. I also should have dates for upcoming classes by then. Probably will have just the one big event in September and then settle down to a regular monthly class schedule beginning in October.

You've all been so patiently awaiting the big event! I hope you'll continue to hang in there with me for just a few more weeks.

Cath ;D

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